Tuesday, November 18

Working Mum

That’s me. I have been an absentee in the blog world for quite sometime now. Why? I’ve joined the Aussie workforce three months ago. And so far, so good – both in the home front and my career.

I’m now a newbie in the IT consulting industry (though there are more logistics jobs). The job description is closely similar to my previous job in RP but the system is completely different.

My going out to work is a big change for our family. It is a great leap from being a stay-at-home Mum that I used to be. It means missing Jens.

It is one of the biggest decisions we’ve made. And it was made not just on the financial factors. We reckoned, it will also be good for Jens as he won’t be that dependent on us and make him sociable. True enough! It only took a couple of weeks or so for him to settle down in day care and now he is enjoying it. He’d grown so quick, I reckon, and knows so many things now. He’d made friends – with the other kids and the staff as well. I’ve been told by several staffs that he is very clever – mimics their every move and smiles and waves to everybody.

He was assigned to a baby room when we enrolled him and after a couple of months, he was transferred to the toddler room. And just that, made me cry. Yeah, because he’s no longer a baby. Even I can attest to that. Well, didn’t we all want our kids to grow up quick?

I know I am missing a lot in Jens’ growing up years but I’m striking while the iron is hot. We want to retire sooner rather than later.

We are all so looking forward to evenings and weekends. Catching up time, cuddle time, play time and most especially Jens showing off what he learned in “school” – there is always something new almost everyday.


Anonymous said...

wow sis, so ur back to office work. that would be a great thing for u..balancing mommy life and work away from home life. :)

wish you all the best always.

grab sth from my blog when u have time. ok?

take care. miss ur visits. :)

Unknown said...

congratulations on the job era!