Monday, October 1

I Know Me

Yesterday morning, I held Ian infront of the mirror and talked to my great surprise, he smiled... or shall I say, laughed soundlessly while looking on my reflection on the mirror. That despite of him being whingy.

The proud Mummy in me was really exhilerated because that was the first time he reacted infront of the mirror. We've been trying to talk to him while facing in the mirror, introduced ourselves but he just looked around.

I don't know what was in his mind that time. Did it mean, he know's what he looks like now? Or that the mirror holds a reflection of how you look like? I'm not sure, but for me, that was another milestone.


Anonymous said...

ang really, ian is getting bigger and bigger each day. expect for more surprising love from him.

Mich said...

nakkuuu, the exciting part talga yan, he starts smiling! congrats! :) I think he knows that you are talking to him and he can identify your voice. Galing noh? kiss baby Ian for me! :)