Sunday, October 28

Me a nurse

MCJ always got headache. Sometimes, it is just mild... at times, too painful that he needs to lie down after taking two paracetamol. That, I reckon he is too immune to the painkillers that they don't work for him anymore even if he has to chew them rather than swallow them.

I know that botox for migraines are now available - seen it in telly recently, he wouldn't go through the knife to get rid of the pain completely, however I may convince him. He's just the kind of person who would just nurse himself (and me playing nurse) if he has an illness. He'll go through extra miles just to avoid going to the hospital. He said, before I got preggy.. the last time he went to the hospital was 19 years ago. Imagine that? And he was not the one who was sick. lol.