Sunday, April 22

On Holidays

I'm writing this post while sitting on the lounge on our resort accommodation. The telly in front of me is on, Town movie running with Mcj lying down watching it. The Tatapilla is on the master bedroom watching his show on another telly. On my right, over looking the veranda is the tide rising, beyond the pines. People are fishing and walking along the coastal walk way. I can hear voices from the pool, 2 level down. We just had our morning tea, croissant and custard tart with coffee and apple juice. We has been walking around, the Tatapilla had a swim/play/scootering around. We've picked up shells for our collections. We're planning to have a swim at the pool and we'll play tennis at 3PM. Work is very far from my mind right now including cpu cart or any technical stuff - though this morning, I have to call the company where I bought this prepaid wireless internet. All is good, happy and relax.