Monday, May 29

Stop and smell the flowers

Despite sleeping late the previous night, I still woke up early yesterday. Knowing that I will be fully loaded that day is reason enough to not dwell on the bed longer. At six o’clock in the morning, I braced myself to face my Sunday routine. You would normally see me getting ready the laundry right away, but yesterday, I was able to appreciate wonderful God’s creation.

I stop momentarily and smell the flowers. Thanks to J for her caring and nurturing hands to grow flowers in the yard. Living in the center of Manila didn’t give us the spacious and beautifully land-scaped garden but we’re still blessed to have enough greens in the pots and some flowering hibiscus close to the fence.

first sampaguita blooms .......................................................................euphorbia close to the gate

I have been stressed lately, that I indeed need to smell the flowers around literally and marvel and appreciate the wonderful and beautiful gifts from God.

So much for wandering and wondering, I needed to get back to the reason why I need to get up early. One-week laundry and linens are waiting for my attention. And so, I stepped on the “lavandera” world while sipping hot chocolate. I don’t favor much doing stuff that would make my hands wet, but lets isolate doing the laundry. I enjoy seeing to it that the clothes I wear everyday are washed and cleaned up to my standard.

I may not have the ideal Sunday, as I am away from CJ, to sum it up, I still had a fruitful day!