Tuesday, October 20


Plasma and LCD TV has been around for how long? I can’t remember but what I do know is that, it’s been here for more than a decade. We were not lured to get the latest – well, maybe just me, just I am not so keen of getting cable at home. But Mcj loves new toys and I know that he’s been coveting one for long now. It’s just that we can’t part with our old and trusted television – 25 years old and still has good pictures.

But last Sunday, we let it go. We gave in to the cravings of a widescreen telly. It was advertised that one of the appliance store has sale. We have a credit facility in that shop that will give us 2 years interest free period.

Mcj did a bit of a research online about the products at the shop. The shop attendant was very helpful and I know that we bought good quality but I realise now that we could have done more research on home theatre system buying guide. Well, at least on my part, it would be very handy as my knowledge on that department along with home movie equipment and television buying guide basics is next to nothing. I just want something that won’t eat so much space, has good picture, reasonable sound and with a hip-pocket-friendly price. I really ought to know the technical stuff so I am not overly dependent to Mcj when buying home appliances.

We won’t be buying any “investment” in the near future so I still have time to appraise my knowledge.
