Friday, August 4

Shopping in Pinas

Hubs had told me to buy something (girl thing), which is very unique, and the style is not normally worn by women everyday, for almost a year now.

Since then, I have been searching for it in almost all malls in Manila. I had visited Wacoal outlets, Triumph, Maiden Form in Rustans, St. Michaels and almost other brands of women’s undergarments. But to no avail. Some sales attendants don’t even know what it looks like, though how I managed to cheekily and sometimes awkwardly described and pointed out to them. Some would recommend something that’s entirely close not to what I want.

I gave-up on finding it here and tried to surf on the net. Well, the most famous brand (not locally available) to me is Victoria’s Secret, and yet, they don’t have the style that I want. Huh!

Then, yesterday, officemate J and I went to Robinson’s Manila in search for a gift to another officemate. Well, J knows that I’ve been looking for the said “thing” and she chanced upon it on the sale items. I was so thrilled that I immediately sms Hubs that we’ve found the elusive “thing”.

Hubs learning that the price is so minimal told me, “Buy ten”. =D He had been surfing the net for sometime now and found one in the site (UK origin) that costs GBP35 (ish). I could indeed buy ten with the price of the “thing” that I’ve found in Bench.

Now, we don’t have to scout all the malls in OZ (Brisbane Area) in search for it, which could be our next recourse when I get there.

And! We have saved thousands of Pesos! (I normally convert the price of clothing in OZ to Peso, makes it hard to decide to buy. – Hehehe).


dangkin said...

ano ba yun at mahirap hanapin? just curious.. hehehe

Ers said...

its just a shelf b-r-a actually. =D

j said...

woweee, sexy girl :)

Ers said...

thanks! hahaha!