Friday, December 16

successful party

last night was our departmental christmas party. it was very simple and yet everybody had fun. all were present and nobody was kill-joy. everybody sang their master piece. you can see the youthful people who shared lots of laughs.

our party was a stress-free one. there were who rants, who sang coyly, who shared their strar-in-a-million voice, showed their creativity in the games.
christmas is not just about giving gifts, shopping, party.. it is more of showing and reinforcing our christian values which we practiced in our everyday lives. everyday should be christmas, we just celebrate the month of december more specially because we are commemorating the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. and so, in our party... we praise God in all forms. we sang, we ate, we played, we shared generous gifts, we laugh, we were merry... to show how thankful we are for the fruitful year that God has given us.

photos is a realistic proof that we indeed had fun. we can't stop grinning and laughing.

the "top of the world" singing contestants....

the happy faces.... ohhh, that's larry, our guest of honor

the food are yummy!

we are showing off the gifts that we receive. look at what i am holding? froilan gave that to me, with a thought that, i can use it when chris is not around and as cellphone holder at the same time. hahaha! pretty versatile hey!


dangkin said...

awwwww... wish i was there! :P

Ers said...

yup, i miss you especially on times like these. i remember the days... nostalgic baga =)