Tuesday, June 26

Cool Factor

I always find people wearing sunglasses cool especially if they perfectly fit and coordinate ones features and aura. And also if I like the style of the sunglasses, it's almost an instinct for me to give that person a second look. They just look nifty.

It attacts me more if that person is wearing a motorcycle sunglasses mounted on a Ducati or Harley Davidson. The groovy factor was raised notches higher. Don't get me wrong but I am not imagining Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator. Some of you may find him cool but I dont. I find him a little bit dodgy. :P Whom I fancy to see in this hip get-up is Eric Bana though. I've read somewhere that he owns a Ducati. I can envision him in various images. But maybe, I should start surfing the net for his photo mounting his classic bike.

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