Sunday, June 17

I Am a PPP Postie

I reckon, this post is a bit long overdue or late. On the other hand, I think I am just on right timing to create this post of me being a PPP postie. I really want to know how PPP works and how it benefits us bloggers who want to make money blogging.

Well, now I think, I am on the right track to tell something about PPP. This is my 18th posts with them and 14 were already approved. The first payment would come in 3 days from now and so on. With me expecting a baby, the money that I can earn will be very handy for buying some stuff. Actually, we've already found an item and I think, it will be worth spending the money.

With PPP, the opportunities are udpated daily. There's no limit of opps that you can take everyday. You just have to qualify for them.