Thursday, June 21

Kids' Literacy

As parents, we are considered as the first teachers of our kids. We are responsible for their early learning and instilling values in them. We can teach values by being a model or setting examples and reinforce them with advise. At most, we are more concerned on their literacy. It is really important that our kids can recognize A from E at an early age and be able to read. For me, I deemed that as their ticket to a good future. And how can we inculcate that to their minds?

We tend to buy heaps of books and reading materials to familiarize our kids with letters and words at a very young age. Educational DVDs are another medium.. and yes we allow them to watch telly early in the morning. There are letter and word flash cards that we can use, letter and word stickers that we can post to the fridge or any posters that we can paste to the wall of our kids' room.. just any educational material that can supplement our kids' learnings.

And for some of us who will get busy as the domestic and career responsibilities multiply, it is always a breather to know that we can get Reading Tutors like Score has to help our kids' reading proficiency get up to grade level or at a level beyond expectations.

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