Thursday, June 28

Beauty Regime

I said, I am not vain and that is supported by the vanity test that I took. Yet, I still have a minimal beauty regime to take care of my looks especially my skin. I thought, I was not born with a milky-porcelain coverings so I have to at least look after of what was given to me.

I noticed that back home, most people wanted to have white complexion. Well, at some point.. I wished to have one also. I joined the wagon of throngs who used whitening soap, lotion, etc. Until I met MCJ. When he was there with me, he used to hold the umbrella for me but always made fun of it. He said, he likes my color as it is and there was one instance that we stayed in un-shaded area on the beach just to bake me. Eventually, I came to love my color.

Now, the skin care products that interest me are those that will keep my skin soft and moisturized especially in the nippy weather. I kept on changing brands though but I know, I will stick to one brand in time. I just have to find the elusive sort that fits my skin type.

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chuching said...

are you referring to a face moisturizer? over the years, i've tried so many products pero the one that i really like and am using until now is ROC vit a+c+e. it's not malagkit and heavy on the face :) also, you might want to use facial sunblock, not necessarily to be maputi, but to protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun :)